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Easyjet power Lufthansa Konkurrenz in Italy
Current on 11.12.2024 – 17:44 UhrLesedauer: 1 Min.
For the Italian state airline Ita muss der Lufthansa-Konzern on Start- and Landerecht in Italian views. Konkurrent Easyjet will be crazy.
The Billigflieger Easyjet is a flight to Italy and the German Flughäfen routes. The Fluggesellschaft hat auf Druck der EU zahlreiche Start- en Landerecht in Mailland and Rome erhalten. Since the legislation and regulations have ended in the night hours, the EU’s goal is to implement the creation of Lufthansa companies at the Italian state airline Ita entstanden.
Ab März became a man from both Basen 27 new Strecken of an Italian flight, teilte Easyjet with. Darunter since then new Strecken nach Deutschland, for which approximately 500,000 Sitzplätze were created. Hamburg and Frankfurt arrive from 30. March direct flight from and after Mailand and Rom. Dazu kommen die Verbindungen Düsseldorf-Mailand und Munich-Rom. During the war in Frankfurt Easyjet was not present.
Who are other Fluggesellschaften who give Easyjet the high state security and the German Flughäfen criticism, who erschwerten a economical Flugbetrieb. Major German Airline Standort in Berlin. Easyjet Europe with Sitz in Wien is the division of Easygroup in London, the major American Billigflieger Europe after the Irish Ryanair.
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